Sint-Jozefscollege - Sint-Jozefscollege

3.4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Sint-Jozefscollege

Address :

1150 Woluwe-Saint-Pierre, Belgium

Phone : 📞 +78
Postal code : 1150
Website :
Categories :
City : Woluwe Saint Pierre

1150 Woluwe-Saint-Pierre, Belgium

Hadrien de Barsy on Google

Pieter Boon on Google

Mistigriouu on Google

Je déconseille cette école, trop de travail pour la maison, tu reste jusqu'a 22h a la maison sur ceci! Je veux rajouter quelque chose. Un ami a eu bien l'experience dans cette ecole pourrie et il en a marre. Limite les profs te demandent de faire du car wash sur le voiture et par la suite de faire le menage chez eux.. tellement de boulot
I advise against this school, too much work for the house, you stay until 10pm at home on this! I want to add something. A friend had a lot of experience in this rotten school and he's sick of it. Limit the teachers ask you to do car wash on the car and then to do the housework at home .. so much work
l_oksy on Google

Beste school van Brussel, top ambiance bij mijn klas en de leerkrachten geven goed hun les.
Best school in Brussels, great atmosphere in my class and the teachers give their lessons well.
gael Massart on Google

a deconseiller..
Luke on Google

gone there for almost 6 years, wouldn't recommend it
shfiqfiqghz ghfiqs on Google

I wanna give you a 0, but thats not possible so I give you a 1

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